Sunday, 13 September 2009

Friday photo foolery

Last Friday night was a lot of fun. It started off a bit pooey as I was feeling rather low by the end of the day - I think it might have just been post-holiday blues and having worked a whole week of long days... who knows?

this was all compounded by the fact that I got to Victoria Station only to find that someone had 'fallen' beneath a train so couldn't get on the tube to go and meet my friends and Joe. I ended up getting a bus and then another train line but it was all a faff and I wasn't in the right frame of mind... pah

anyway, by the time I'd walked past Tower Bridge in all its lovely lit-up glory my mood had improved. Had a lovely glass of pinot grigio and then switched to shorts to minimise calorie damage ;-)

everyone was quite merry by the time I'd arrived and I'd brought my camera to show pics from our paragliding and somehow this turned into a mammoth snapping session with lots of silly poses :-D

Steve wasn't actually aware of where his cigarettes had been before smoked them... hmm

Not sure what style of pose Marie and I were aiming for (but quite like the look of my biceps! ;-)

Me and my lovely girlfriend Jen ;-)

Caption contest anyone? ;-)

what a response... if you actually knew what the actual topic of conversation was...!!!!

Dave's not exactly welcoming of Steve's affections... ha!

but one gives as good as one gets...? ;-)

uh oh, more posing...

this pic makes me crack up!!

that's better...

nice pictures ensue...

me and steve

I'd like this pic of Joe and I if it wasn't so blurred, dammit!

this is better :-)

On the walk home... This pic is a bit dark but Tower Bridge looked rubbish with flash...

I think that's more than enough :-D there were actually 95 pics taken in total, not *all* by me I hasten to add!! but this is more than enough to demonstrate the level of tomfoolery that was reached, rather daft but it's good to be daft sometimes :-)



  1. That really looks a lot more fun than my nights of late have been... !! I want to go out and be crazy (note to self: need a life, now).

  2. wow so jealous... what's with all the gang signs!

  3. lol, I dunno, seemed a good idea at the time... as most things do when you're a lil intoximacated

    bit sad at my age though, should really know better!

    LW - you *have* a life - as well as dust mask/goggles that are actually cool - how did you manage that? I'd actually consider cycling in those!!
